We are excited to offer a unique training opportunity the day after User2User North America!
With nearly 40 years of experience in their fields, our training experts will help you learn new tips, increase your productivity with Siemens EDA tools, and steer you toward earning a digital badge certification.
Each three-hour lecture will deliver curated material from our most sought-after courses in a condensed format. Every participant will take home a free on-demand training subscription* for the full, self-paced training course, so you can expand your knowledge and perform hands-on labs in our virtual cloud-enabled environment (up to a $2,500 value.
To sign up for this training opportunity, you may add one or both during registration. Spaces are limited so act fast.
Cost: $350 - A limited number of promo codes are available, so contact your Siemens EDA account manager for more information.
- 9 a.m. – noon - Introduction to Software Design Pattern Concepts in SystemVerilog and UVM
- 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. - Overview of the IEEE 1687 IJTAG standard and its use in Tessent