Siemens transformation shape.

User2User North America 2025

Technical training

Santa Clara, CA | Santa Clara Marriott 
Wednesday, May 21, 2025

Come for the User2User conference and stay for expert training sessions the next day.

Training overview

We are excited to offer a unique training opportunity the day after User2User North America!

With nearly 40 years of experience in their fields, our training experts will help you learn new tips, increase your productivity with Siemens EDA tools, and steer you toward earning a digital badge certification.

Each three-hour lecture will deliver curated material from our most sought-after courses in a condensed format. Every participant will take home a free on-demand training subscription* for the full, self-paced training course, so you can expand your knowledge and perform hands-on labs in our virtual cloud-enabled environment (up to a $2,500 value.

To sign up for this training opportunity, you may add one or both during registration. Spaces are limited so act fast.

Cost: $350 - A limited number of promo codes are available, so contact your Siemens EDA account manager for more information.

  • 9 a.m. – noon - Introduction to Software Design Pattern Concepts in SystemVerilog and UVM
  • 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. - Overview of the IEEE 1687 IJTAG standard and its use in Tessent
An instructor teaches a technical training course to attendees at the Siemens User2User conference.

Technical trainers

Introduction to Introduction to Software Design Pattern Concepts in SystemVerilog and UVM

This three-hour technical presentation will focus on software design patterns and their use in universal verification methodology (UVM).

Who should attend

This technical training session's intended audience consists of design and verification engineers familiar with SystemVerilog who have some exposure (though not required) to UVM.

  • Review class-based object-oriented programming

    • Inheritance
    • Dynamic Polymorphism with Virtual Methods
    • Static Polymorphism with parametrized template classes
    • Interface classes
  • Review Basic Software Design Patterns

    • Singleton, Factory, Proxy, Strategy/Policy

Overview of the IEEE 1687 IJTAG standard and its use in Tessent

This IJTAG standard, released in 2014, has greatly impacted the design-for-test area. This session will cover the basics of the standard and how it is used extensively in the Tessent tools flows to improve design testability.

Who Should Attend

For this course, design and test engineers familiar with basic DFT concepts should attend.

  • Get an introduction to the IEEE 1687 standard and understand why it was created.
  • Take a look at IJTAG's two languages: ICL and PDL.
  • Learn about the processes for ICL Extraction and PDL Retargeting.
  • Understand how IJTAG is used in Tessent flows.
  • Take home access to a self-paced full version of this training class, as well as the ability to perform hands-on labs.